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Receiving a transmission from healer dog Akasha, I felt a lot of sensations around my head and eyes, almost like fluffy bubbles. Saw a golden-like colour. Felt very soft and very happy and content. 


When receiving a session from Rishi, I could feel a beautiful wave of energy touch me. At first my mind was very active and darted from one thought to another, but after a while it started to settle and my mind literally went blank while my body felt relaxed and peaceful. Afterwards I felt light and de-stressed which stayed with me for a few days afterwards. 


I chose little Bhairavi as my healer dog. When receiving a session from her I could feel a scanning up and down in my torso and saw a yellowish golden ball. I felt an ache in my heart which quickly went away and I felt calmer afterwards. Feel very grateful : )


Sarita: Well, we have had 2 of the 3 sessions with the puppies healers and definitely can see an instant shift in the dogs.., immediately… we still have to watch the dogs of course so they don’t chase after her but our oldest one who is 12 1/2 years old is so gentle with her now and really doesn’t care, our younger dog who was hunting the kitten has now stopped hunting and seem to want to play with tailwagging. They both went into the deepest deepest trance with the transmission and a younger big male dog was twitching and making like growling facials. And the kitten is just so interested in the dogs or she wants to do is play with them.
Sarita : ❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️
Sarita: Amazing 😻
Sarita: It’s like our younger 6 yr old male very big hunter dog has become a puppy at heart and wants to play rather than hunt… 


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